New Mexico Adult Falls Prevention Coalition

The New Mexico Adult Falls Prevention Coalition (NMAFPC) is a volunteer group composed of professionals in healthcare, the aging network, and government entities who advocate for falls prevention awareness and evidence-based/evidence-informed programs to prevent falls and related injuries. This coalition implements the strategies of the Falls Free® Initiative which is a national effort led by the National Council on Aging to address the growing health issue of falls-related injuries and deaths in older adults led by the National Council on Aging. The NMAFPC organizes trainings and speakers on relevant falls prevention topics and coordinates falls risk screenings in the community to promote strategies to address modifiable falls risk factors.

If you are interested in promoting healthy aging, please join the New Mexico Adult Falls Prevention Coalition. Membership is free and open to those interested in addressing falls and related injuries throughout the state. Membership participation is requested at quarterly meetings and optional for special events. Benefits of membership include networking opportunities, resource sharing, professional trainings, and collaboration on healthy aging in New Mexico.

2017 NCOA Falls Free® Photo Contest
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If you’re interested in the New Mexico Adult Falls Prevention Coalition, please contact:

The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) created the Older Adult Falls Task Force in 2013. Since then, NMDOH instituted the Adult Falls Prevention Program that has implemented several programs that are proven to help older adults reduce falls. Learn more about these NMDOH strategies here.

The NMDOH Adult Falls Prevention Program aims to decrease fall-related injuries, hospitalizations, and deaths among adults aged 65 and older in New Mexico. Efforts focus on implementation of evidenced-based falls prevention interventions, promotion of protective factors, and networking with partners in aging.

Paths to Health NM: Tools for Healthier Living is a statewide initiative that brings together prevention and self-management programs to help adults gain confidence and skills that will help them feel better. These proven programs enable adults to better manage their health and improve their quality of life.